• Animal Welfare Magazine: January to June 2025
    The January to June 2025 Animal Welfare Magazine is now ready. Read/Download a pdf version.Read More ...
  • Animal Rescues in the Wild
    ANAW's Veterinary doctors attend to a wounded waterback caught by a poacher's wire snare during a recent animal rescue activity. Find out more about our animal rescues programme.Read More ...
  • Promoting Animal Welfare in Schools-PAWS
    ANAW endeavors to promote a value based education program that inculcates young minds into compassionate individuals on the welfare of animals.Read More ...

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Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) is an annual conference co-hosted by Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Government of the Country on Which the Conference is held, for professionals and practitioners, coming together to discuss issues that cut across animal welfare, wildlife and environmental conservation. Visit the conference website to find out more

ANAW & Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V (WTG) Project - November 2023 - November 2024

TITLE: Enhancing the Welfare and Health of Donkeys in Migori and Marsabit Counties, and Increasing Vigilance Against the Donkey Skin Trade Through the Media Phase Two

From August 2022 to July 2023, ANAW implemented a project in Marsabit and Migori Counties titled ‘Enhancing the welfare and health of donkeys in Migori and Marsabit counties and increasing vigilance ... Click Here to Read More ... 

Media Centre

Donkeys at Risk of Becoming Extinct
Stop Drugging Donkeys with Bhang, Moyale Residents Told

More on our Media Centre ...

Photo Speak

Why the National Wildlife Strategy 2030?

Our wildlife, and wildlife habitats, are an extremely important economic asset. They are central to our world-renowned tourism industry that attracts over one million tourists to our country every year.

Download the National Wildlife Strategy 2030

Current Projects with Partners

Human-Animal Coexistence

PICTURE:Ongoing Railway Construction in Nairobi National Park

This program area is largely informed by the various forms of reported human-animal conflict. Generally, as a result of; the presence of environmental degradation, encroachment and increased land fragmentation have resulted in an incremental trend in cases of human-animal conflict globally. In Africa, and based on several underlying factors; whether social, economic, technological and/or environmental nature, such cases often result in destruction of property or loss of biodiversity through habitat destruction or destabilization of the ecosystems’ equilibria. In some cases, loss of human life has been observed through violent/active involvement of animals or via passive/indirect routes such as zoonotic disease spread. ANAW works with governments and like-minded stakeholders to carry out interventions that contribute to maintaining a balance between various human practices and animal survival (biodiversity conservation). Our focus on communities is generally geared towards innovative use of technology to provide solutions to causes of conflict and placement of affordable mitigation measures.


Our Work at Kasigau Ranch

PICTURE:Kasigau Guardians and ANAW Executive Director (center) 

ANAW advocates for the preservation of critical wildlife migration corridors between protected areas passing through community-owned land. In 2015, ANAW entered into a memorandum of understanding with Kasigau Ranch Ltd to support the ranch develop a range management plan for integrating landscape conservation and livestock production to protect critical elephant lion and large herbivore migration corridor through the 52,000-acre ranch located between Tsavo West and East National Parks. Since then, ANAW has contributed towards recruitment and remuneration for 15 local guardians to provide security and community liaison between the ranch and the local land owners. As a result, illegal bush meat hunting has reduced, fewer elephants are being poached for ivory and community goodwill has increased through co-operating-responsibility activities such as the dik-dik sports festival

We aim at increasing knowledge and skills, and improving attitudes and behaviors about animal welfare; of citizens, policy makers and practitioners.



ANAW is accredited to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a major group and to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as an advisor with consultative status.