An Elephant Sighting during Patrol at Kasigau Ranch An Elephant Sighting during Patrol at Kasigau Ranch

Devastating Cases of Human-Elephant Conflict on the Rise in Kasigau

Despite the advent of rains across the country, an influx of human-wildlife conflict took place in some areas of Taita Taveta County. Rampant cases of human wildlife conflict were reported in March with 11 elephants destroying property, food and bomas at Mwarungu area and 12 elephants caused similar destruction in Kiwanjani area. Interestingly, in April, there were no cases that were reported or observed that needed to be attended to.

Due to a well-established relationship with the community members and herders the team received reports of two cases of bush meat poaching at Jogholo and Mbuyuni. Through 26 patrols, the guardians were able to identify some of the hot spot areas for bush meat and other illegal activities and the areas that have higher animal sightings which enables them to plan for the following month’s patrols. These patrols have also helped the guardians to determine the areas that need frequent visits depending on the observations made regarding frequency of the illegal activities and animal sightings in some the areas.