• Animal Welfare Magazine: January to June 2025
    The January to June 2025 Animal Welfare Magazine is now ready. Read/Download a pdf version.Read More ...
  • Animal Rescues in the Wild
    ANAW's Veterinary doctors attend to a wounded waterback caught by a poacher's wire snare during a recent animal rescue activity. Find out more about our animal rescues programme.Read More ...
  • Promoting Animal Welfare in Schools-PAWS
    ANAW endeavors to promote a value based education program that inculcates young minds into compassionate individuals on the welfare of animals.Read More ...

Making a difference by giving towards animals! Every dollar you donate will be matched with a dollar!

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Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) is an annual conference co-hosted by Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Government of the Country on Which the Conference is held, for professionals and practitioners, coming together to discuss issues that cut across animal welfare, wildlife and environmental conservation. Visit the conference website to find out more

ANAW & Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V (WTG) Project - November 2023 - November 2024

TITLE: Enhancing the Welfare and Health of Donkeys in Migori and Marsabit Counties, and Increasing Vigilance Against the Donkey Skin Trade Through the Media Phase Two

From August 2022 to July 2023, ANAW implemented a project in Marsabit and Migori Counties titled ‘Enhancing the welfare and health of donkeys in Migori and Marsabit counties and increasing vigilance ... Click Here to Read More ... 

Media Centre

Donkeys at Risk of Becoming Extinct
Stop Drugging Donkeys with Bhang, Moyale Residents Told

More on our Media Centre ...

Photo Speak

Why the National Wildlife Strategy 2030?

Our wildlife, and wildlife habitats, are an extremely important economic asset. They are central to our world-renowned tourism industry that attracts over one million tourists to our country every year.

Download the National Wildlife Strategy 2030

Current Projects with Partners

Volunteer Programme

Volunteer Programme

Dear Animal Welfare Ally,

Have you ever felt the tug in your heart when you think about helping to conserve and protect animals? ANAW bids you to live your dream.

Eleven years on, the Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) is thriving at a time where human beings and animals mutually co-exist, in an age where development is rife with the constant expansion of infrastructure all around the country. ANAW has morphed into an organization that faces emerging formidable challenges locally and internationally while maintaining the successful impact on animals and people achieved by its work.

Africa is a continent that is home to myriads of animals roaming free in plains, forests, bogs and marshlands, lakes and rivers and at home. Seaside creatures dominate the aquatic landscapes while more than 1100 bird species have been spotted. A need was identified to cater for the well-being of these animals.

Human-wildlife conflict, urban development, bush-meat trade, human encroachment and ivory and rhino horn trade have brought the numbers of these species population down. Dictated by tradition, culture and the need to survive, millions of communities in rural and urban areas lack sufficient knowledge on good animal welfare practices. Animals undergo suffering and abuse in several forms.

ANAW works to address these issues on a day to day basis through its programs with focus to the five freedoms of animal welfare: freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behavior and freedom from fear and distress.

Therefore, it is imperative that we join hands. You will lend much-needed help to protect, care for and conserve these animals. In your quest to help and express love to Africa’s animals, do not hesitate to write to us.

Click here to read/download a pdf version of the full Volunteer Information Pack.

ANAW is accredited to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a major group and to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as an advisor with consultative status.