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Animal Welfare Updates: March 2022

Two Zebras in Distress Rescued


ANAW and KWS Veterinarians Remove Barbed Arrow Wire From a Snared Zebra in one of the Emergency Wildlife Rescues.

The month of March indicated prevalent harvesting of animals for bush meat in Nakuru and Machakos (Athi River) counties. The rescue team got together and headed out to attend to the animals when alerts were issued. ANAW and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) veterinary unit rescue team saved two male zebras after receiving an alert from the area community contact on March 2, 2022. The two male zebras were successfully attended to and released back to the wild.

The first zebra had an arrowhead embedded on the left hind leg. The animal was tranquilized, and the arrow removed with as minimal damage as possible. The wound was disinfected, and antibiotic administered. The second zebra, also a male was found within the same herd. It experienced lameness on its right hind leg which was swollen. It was attended to and then released back into the wild as well.

336 Animals Vaccinated Against Rabies in Kajiado County


Dr. Koech Janiffer From Kajiado County Department of Veterinary Services Administers an Anti-rabies Vaccine on a Dog at Esidai Market, Kajiado County.

Animal inhabitants of Oloosirkon and Sholinke wards in Kajiado East constituency received vaccination against rabies during a two-day anti-rabies exercise. The exercise was undertaken by ANAW in partnership with Kajiado County Department of Veterinary Services (CDVS).

The two days anti-rabies vaccination campaign was organized by ANAW in collaboration with The Wildlife Foundation (TWF) which operates within Narutenoi Community in Kajiado County targeting dogs, cats, and donkeys. Areas covered included Mung’etho, Esidai, Capt Oumas, Olorukoti, Sholinke Primary and Erankau kwa Meeli in Sholinke.

The clinical work involved Anti-rabies vaccination, deworming and treatment of any ailing animals.

A total of 336 (155 Dogs, 18 cats and 163 donkeys) animals were vaccinated.

Biting Drought in Garissa and Marsabit Counties Assessed


ANAW Team Meeting with Local Community Leaders at Kenya Dryland Education Fund Offices.

A team from ANAW carried out the second drought response visit from 6-12 March 2022 to drought-stricken regions of Marsabit and Garissa counties. The exercise purposed to monitor the impact of previous interventions and gather further information on the drought situation. The team met with the warden at Marsabit National Park offices. He noted that many of the issues suggested around the villages surrounding the park were being addressed by development partners among them African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) and Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT). It was noted that there are(were) other areas outside the park where elephant conflicts were being experienced due to scarcity of water.

The team accompanied by two Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officers to the area. The had a meeting at Gurunet area with local chiefs and some local community leaders at Kenya Dryland Education fund offices (KDEF) an NGO supporting education and community development in the area. The area source of water is tapped in the hills (Mountain) adjacent to the area. There are a lot of elephants in the mountains and often they break the pipes to get water. There is a lot of water lost through pipe leakage and as a result the tapped water was not enough to supply to the communities and reach far areas.

ANAW was requested to try help to put up water tapping on one of the hills and help repair the pipeline leakage while KDEF pledged to help erect a hundred thousand litres concrete storage. This would help provide water for community and watering for animals (elephants) to avoid pipe breakages. ANAW donated 80 liters of diesel to for two community boreholes pump of different villages.

International Forest Day Celebrations Marked by Tree Planting at Ngong Hills Forest


ANAW Staff Plant Trees at Ngong Hills, in Kajiado County as they Participate in this Year’s World Forest Day Held on March 21, 2022.

It was a great day of festivities and celebration when ANAW participated in the International Forest Day Celebration on March 21, 2022, which is an annual event that is observed throughout the world.

In Kenya, the event was celebrated at Ngong Hills Forest in Kona Baridi area of Kajiado County where trees were planted in an event presided over by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Hon. Keriako Tobiko. The celebration which was presided over by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment was marked through tree planting at Ngong Hills Forest.

Two Poachers Arrested during an Ambush at Kasigau Ranch


Kasighau Wildlife Guardians Take a Break During Patrol at Kasighau Ranch.

The Kasigau wildlife guardians made 23 patrols in the expansive ranch and laid two (2) ambushes at Mlima Rubi after getting information on suspected poachers. The ambushes were successful as two men were arrested in one of the operations. Although they were not found with any meat, they provided valuable information on other poachers who usually hunt around that area. The information would serve to avert the same in future, as the guardians would be more vigilant.

Turtle Patrols Undertaken by Msambweni Group


Turtle Mortality Case Along The Msambweni Coastline, in Kwale County.

The turtle protection group in Msambweni conducted daily security patrols along the beach, collecting information mostly on motility cases in the month of March. It was reported that there were no records of new nesting or hatchlings yet. The team encountered one (1) dead turtle in the month of January, two (2) in February and two (2) more in March.

The group also carried out a beach clean -up in March along the Msambweni area coastline to sensitize the residents of the need for clean environment for both human and marine life.

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