Newsletters Archive

ANAW Logo Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW)
Riverine Nature Reserve
137 Milima Road; Hardy-Karen,
P.O Box 3731 – 00506, Nairobi, Kenya;
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Partners, Supporters, Friends and Colleagues;


The above matter refers:

On behalf of the Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and partnership you have accorded ANAW over the years. Your support has gone a long way in advancing animal welfare programs in Africa.

As partners, supporters, friends and, colleagues, we would like to inform you that our long-serving Executive Director, Josphat Ngonyo, has stepped down to pursue other interests and the Board of Directors has accepted his offer with effect from 31st December 2024.

Josphat has played a critical role in leading ANAW from a humble beginning to a renowned international animal welfare organization.

The board of Directors will be commencing the recruitment of a suitable replacement shortly.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Management, and Staff, we wish Jos all the best in his future endeavors.

We look forward to your continued support..

Best Regards,

Prof. James Nkansah-Obrempong’
Board Chairman.