• Animal Welfare Magazine: January to June 2024
    The January - June 2024 Animal Welfare Magazine is now ready. Read/Download a pdf version.Read More ...
  • Animal Rescues in the Wild
    ANAW's Veterinary doctors attend to a wounded waterback caught by a poacher's wire snare during a recent animal rescue activity. Find out more about our animal rescues programme.Read More ...
  • Promoting Animal Welfare in Schools-PAWS
    ANAW endeavors to promote a value based education program that inculcates young minds into compassionate individuals on the welfare of animals.Read More ...

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Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) is an annual conference co-hosted by Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Government of the Country on Which the Conference is held, for professionals and practitioners, coming together to discuss issues that cut across animal welfare, wildlife and environmental conservation. Visit the conference website to find out more

ANAW & Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V (WTG) Project - November 2023 - November 2024

TITLE: Enhancing the Welfare and Health of Donkeys in Migori and Marsabit Counties, and Increasing Vigilance Against the Donkey Skin Trade Through the Media Phase Two

From August 2022 to July 2023, ANAW implemented a project in Marsabit and Migori Counties titled ‘Enhancing the welfare and health of donkeys in Migori and Marsabit counties and increasing vigilance ... Click Here to Read More ... 

Media Centre

Donkeys at Risk of Becoming Extinct
Stop Drugging Donkeys with Bhang, Moyale Residents Told

More on our Media Centre ...

Photo Speak

Why the National Wildlife Strategy 2030?

Our wildlife, and wildlife habitats, are an extremely important economic asset. They are central to our world-renowned tourism industry that attracts over one million tourists to our country every year.

Download the National Wildlife Strategy 2030

Current Projects with Partners

Dear Partners

We as Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), welcome 2018 with new vigor! While celebrating our successes for 2017, we continue to lay much emphasis on the need to promote humane treatment of all animals from a holistic perspective. Our theme for the New Year, ‘Transforming Livelihoods through Responsible Care of all Animals and Environment’ gives us the much-needed focus to heighten our collaborations with our partners in the Year 2018. We are keen to continue working very closely with our newly formed networks while cementing our collaborations with our long-time partners that have solidly stood by us this far.

Animal welfare has never been a one-man affair; the more reason for the need to employ diverse and innovative strategies backed by collective synergies in achieving the overall objective of promoting the welfare of animals across the board. In this new year, ANAW will continue to lay focus on its three key result areas, thus; Better Animal Care; Human-Animal Coexistence and Capacity Building, Education and Awareness. As we continue to focus our attention on the rescue, treatment and rehabilitation of terrestrial animals, we intend to dig deeper into marine conservation of the sea turtles through solidified collaborations with the community at the Coast. We envisage that this endeavor will improve the wellbeing and safety of the Sea Turtles, their Monitors and that of the surrounding environment.

And of course, not forgetting the important work ANAW is doing in saving Primates in collaboration with Colobus Conservation Limited in Diani, Kwale County.

For the welfare of animals to be sustained now and in future, engagement of the young school children is critical. In Kenya for example, a whole new system has taken root with the country picking lessons from the past. Moving forward, ANAW through its ‘Promoting Animal Welfare in Schools (PAWS)’ Program is keen to ensuring that current and future generations embrace the need to prioritize animal welfare from their early years. Further to this, ANAW prides herself in having been able to pioneer the inclusion of Animal Welfare Education in the Kenya National Curriculum of Education. Work now lies on drawing out strategies that will see to it that this curriculum is embraced and adopted across the country.

Our engagement in 2017 to co-host Africa Animal Welfare Conference heightened our level of partnerships with key resolutions being tabled for consideration in the coming years. As a follow up on this, ANAW, together with the UN Environment and the Government of Kenya intends to once again co-host a similar but relatively more elaborate Animal Welfare Conference in 2018.

We are therefore, in line with our drive this year, glad to share with you our January 2018 Updates.

Do enjoy the read. Wishing you all the best.


Josphat Ngonyo - ANAW Executive Director

ANAW is accredited to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a major group and to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as an advisor with consultative status.