Dill is one of the male Colobus Monkeys at the Trust Dill is one of the male Colobus Monkeys at the Trust

Twenty Cases Attended to at the Coastal Animal Clinic in Diani

Diani Beach hosts myriads of tourists who explore the ocean side and interact with the coastal community as aquatic animals inhabit the ocean yonder. At the coast, terrestrial animals find their home in the fragmented forests. Unfortunately, due to their proximity to the developed urban towns with well-maintained infrastructure, they are exposed and get hurt, or injured and require urgent medical attention due to the frequent occurrence of accidents and cases of electrocution.

The Animal Welfare Clinic at Colobus Conservation, a not-for-profit conservation organisation set up to promote the conservation, preservation, and protection of primates and its coastal forest habitat, caters to these animals. In the month of May, 20 animal welfare cases were attended to, consisting of 11 Colobus, 1 Feline, 1 Civet, 5 Sykes and 2 Vervet monkeys. Consequently, 1 Colobus and 1 Sykes were treated and released back to the wild.